( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ErrorHandler::handleException(): Argument #1 ($exception) must be of type Exception, Error given in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php on line 111
( ! ) TypeError: ErrorHandler::handleException(): Argument #1 ($exception) must be of type Exception, Error given in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php on line 111
Call Stack
10.0047517552ErrorHandler::handleException( $exception = class Error { protected $message = 'Unknown named parameter $subject'; private string $string = ''; protected $code = 0; protected string $file = '/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Utility/ObjectCollection.php'; protected int $line = 132; private array $trace = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...]]; private ?Throwable $previous = NULL; public $xdebug_message = '<tr><th align=\'left\' bgcolor=\'#f57900\' colspan="5"><span style=\'background-color: #cc0000; color: #fce94f; font-size: x-large;\'>( ! )</span> Error: Unknown named parameter $subject in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Utility/ObjectCollection.php on line <i>132</i></th></tr>\n<tr><th align=\'left\' bgcolor=\'#e9b96e\' colspan=\'5\'>Call Stack</th></tr>\n<tr><th align=\'center\' bgcolor=\'#eeeeec\'>#</th><th align=\'left\' bgcolor=\'#eeeeec\'>Time</th><th align=\'left\' bgcolo' } ).../ErrorHandler.php:0
Warning (2): file_put_contents(/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/tmp/logs/error.log): Failed to open stream: Permission denied [APP/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Log/Engine/FileLog.php, line 144]
Warning (2): file_put_contents(/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/tmp/logs/error.log) [function.file-put-contents]: Failed to open stream: Permission denied [APP/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Log/Engine/FileLog.php, line 144]

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Unknown named parameter $subject in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Utility/ObjectCollection.php on line 132
( ! ) Error: Unknown named parameter $subject in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Utility/ObjectCollection.php on line 132
Call Stack
10.0059521680App::shutdown( ).../App.php:0
20.0065521584App::_checkFatalError( ).../App.php:904
30.0065521960ErrorHandler::handleError( $code = 1, $description = 'Uncaught TypeError: ErrorHandler::handleException(): Argument #1 ($exception) must be of type Exception, Error given in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php:111\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: ErrorHandler::handleException()\n#1 {main}\n thrown', $file = '/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php', $line = 111, $context = [] ).../App.php:931
40.0065521960ErrorHandler::handleFatalError( $code = 1, $description = 'Uncaught TypeError: ErrorHandler::handleException(): Argument #1 ($exception) must be of type Exception, Error given in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php:111\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: ErrorHandler::handleException()\n#1 {main}\n thrown', $file = '/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php', $line = 111 ).../ErrorHandler.php:205
50.0088519096ErrorHandler::handleException( $exception = class FatalErrorException { protected $message = 'Uncaught TypeError: ErrorHandler::handleException(): Argument #1 ($exception) must be of type Exception, Error given in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php:111\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: ErrorHandler::handleException()\n#1 {main}\n thrown'; private string ${Exception}string = ''; protected $code = 500; protected string $file = '/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php'; protected int $line = 111; private array ${Exception}trace = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]]; private ?Throwable ${Exception}previous = NULL; protected $_responseHeaders = NULL; protected $_attributes = []; protected $_messageTemplate = '' } ).../ErrorHandler.php:254
60.0104520016ExceptionRenderer->__construct( $exception = class FatalErrorException { protected $message = 'Uncaught TypeError: ErrorHandler::handleException(): Argument #1 ($exception) must be of type Exception, Error given in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php:111\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: ErrorHandler::handleException()\n#1 {main}\n thrown'; private string ${Exception}string = ''; protected $code = 500; protected string $file = '/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php'; protected int $line = 111; private array ${Exception}trace = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]]; private ?Throwable ${Exception}previous = NULL; protected $_responseHeaders = NULL; protected $_attributes = []; protected $_messageTemplate = '' } ).../ErrorHandler.php:121
70.0104520016ExceptionRenderer->_getController( $exception = class FatalErrorException { protected $message = 'Uncaught TypeError: ErrorHandler::handleException(): Argument #1 ($exception) must be of type Exception, Error given in /web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php:111\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: ErrorHandler::handleException()\n#1 {main}\n thrown'; private string ${Exception}string = ''; protected $code = 500; protected string $file = '/web1/data/www/househunt.dev1/rt_lib/cakephp-2.4.2/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php'; protected int $line = 111; private array ${Exception}trace = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]]; private ?Throwable ${Exception}previous = NULL; protected $_responseHeaders = NULL; protected $_attributes = []; protected $_messageTemplate = '' } ).../ExceptionRenderer.php:94
80.0107526816Controller->startupProcess( ).../ExceptionRenderer.php:156
90.0108537960CakeEventManager->dispatch( $event = class CakeEvent { protected $_name = 'Controller.initialize'; protected $_subject = class CakeErrorController { public $name = 'CakeError'; public $uses = [...]; public $helpers = [...]; public $request = class CakeRequest { ... }; public $response = class CakeResponse { ... }; protected $_responseClass = 'CakeResponse'; public $viewPath = 'Errors'; public $layoutPath = NULL; public $viewVars = [...]; public $view = 'display'; public $layout = 'default'; public $autoRender = TRUE; public $autoLayout = TRUE; public $Components = class ComponentCollection { ... }; public $components = [...]; public $viewClass = 'View'; public $View = NULL; public $ext = '.ctp'; public $plugin = NULL; public $cacheAction = FALSE; public $passedArgs = [...]; public $scaffold = FALSE; public $methods = [...]; public $modelClass = 'CakeError'; public $modelKey = 'cake_error'; public $validationErrors = NULL; protected $_mergeParent = 'AppController'; protected $_eventManager = class CakeEventManager { ... }; public $Session = class SessionComponent { ... }; public $Auth = class AuthComponent { ... } }; public $data = NULL; public $result = NULL; protected $_stopped = FALSE } ).../Controller.php:674
100.0108537992ObjectCollection->trigger( $callback = class CakeEvent { protected $_name = 'Controller.initialize'; protected $_subject = class CakeErrorController { public $name = 'CakeError'; public $uses = [...]; public $helpers = [...]; public $request = class CakeRequest { ... }; public $response = class CakeResponse { ... }; protected $_responseClass = 'CakeResponse'; public $viewPath = 'Errors'; public $layoutPath = NULL; public $viewVars = [...]; public $view = 'display'; public $layout = 'default'; public $autoRender = TRUE; public $autoLayout = TRUE; public $Components = class ComponentCollection { ... }; public $components = [...]; public $viewClass = 'View'; public $View = NULL; public $ext = '.ctp'; public $plugin = NULL; public $cacheAction = FALSE; public $passedArgs = [...]; public $scaffold = FALSE; public $methods = [...]; public $modelClass = 'CakeError'; public $modelKey = 'cake_error'; public $validationErrors = NULL; protected $_mergeParent = 'AppController'; protected $_eventManager = class CakeEventManager { ... }; public $Session = class SessionComponent { ... }; public $Auth = class AuthComponent { ... } }; public $data = NULL; public $result = NULL; protected $_stopped = FALSE }, $params = ???, $options = ??? ).../CakeEventManager.php:248